Lindsay M. Tedds
Associate Professor, Department of Economics
University of Calgary
I am currently an Associate Professor in the Department of Economics at the University of Calgary. View my CV.
My primary research fields are in tax policy, public economics, and public policy design and implementation. My transdisciplinary approach to research harnesses the strengths of economics, law, public administration, and intersectionality in the study of public policy problems.
My objective is to make both an academic contribution and to have an impact on Canadian policymaking and policy implementation. As a result, it is important that my research be accessible to broader audiences including academics outside the traditional narrow boundaries of economics, decision makers, practitioners, and the general public and for it to stimulate broader conversations about public policy beyond the academic community. I do this by publishing in a wide range of outlets, including academic peer-reviewed journals across several disciplines, through a variety of knowledge-mobilization efforts, and by forming strategic partnerships that lead to technical reports for decision makers and the general public. I am a regular non-partisan public commentator, writing for print media, appearing on a variety of T.V., radio, and podcasts, and providing expert testimony.
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